Tupac shakur gridlock d
Tupac shakur gridlock d

tupac shakur gridlock d

Gridlock’d follows these two friends struggle to get that so needed help. He’d do anything to help his friend out, even if it meant going through the pain of detox. However, Spoon was his brother, they were tight. His moment of realisation hadn’t come to him yet. Stretch on the other hand is happy getting smashed. He has to get clean, get off the smack and sort his life out. With the trauma and drama of the night before, Spoon has a moment of epiphany. I remembered that when it came to writing my first movie.“. Ended up wandering around from place to place, no one giving us any help. Before you know it, you become dependent and caught in a vicious circle. Being young in a band surrounded by people doing drugs, getting the idea that your creativity will become enhanced. Based on writer and director Vondie Curtis-Hall own, early life, experiences. Gridlock’d‘s fundamental message is the contemptuous government bureaucracy and mockery of a broken health care system. Eventually they make it, with everything against them. No one will help, no taxi will stop, they can’t call an ambulance, they don’t have health insurance, the system is broke. It was time to celebrate, she wanted to try the high… It doesn’t go well…Ĭookie OD’s! Distraught and stoned out of their minds, Spoon and Stretch frantically try to get their beloved friend to the hospital. She’d been slipped a bag of powder, she’d managed to keep off it whilst her two friends were constantly wasted. A music executive had shown a great deal of promise. On bass and back up vocals is the cool Spoon ( Tupac Shakur) leaving stoned Stretch ( Tim Roth) on keys. On vocals is the svelte Cookie ( Thandiwe Newton).

tupac shakur gridlock d

A spoken word jazz band called Eight Mile Road on the verge of getting picked up. Three close friends shoot the shit, heroin, jokes and their love together in their apartment. It might slip off the rails into slap stick territory in the last quarter but it’s hard not to like it for it. It’s shot very stylish, has a frantic paced script, features a deep strong message and best of all, you get a wonderful chemistry between it’s two leads. However, Gridlock’d, really is it’s own movie. Furthermore, when one of the characters feels like Pumpkin from Pulp Fiction (1994) had dumped his crazy girlfriend, Honey Bunny, and ran off to join a jazz band, you can’t help but smile. When a film opens with a conversation about penis implants and, later, a N word discussion, you can’t help but think the scriptwriters were trying to channel some Quentin Tarantino vibes.

Tupac shakur gridlock d