Adele someone like you piano chords
Adele someone like you piano chords

adele someone like you piano chords

Once we decided on the melody, she very quickly came up with that amazing line, “I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited.” Once you have a line that great, the rest of the section is easy to finish.

#Adele someone like you piano chords series

For the pre-chorus, for example, I suggested a series of chords and we played with some melody ideas for it. There may have been some points where I said, “I think that line can be better,” and I always throw in lines of lyrics in my sessions, but at this one, Adele knew exactly what she wanted to say, and my role was much more in composing the music and creating chord changes for the various sections.

adele someone like you piano chords

So I played piano for the rest of the session. She was playing it on the guitar, and she taught me the part, but when I switched to piano, she lit up. There Adele showed me the idea for the verse. Not counting whatever time Adele had spent sitting on the edge of her bed writing that first verse, we took two days.Īfter we listened to a bunch of Wanda Jackson songs on YouTube, we went to the main room of the studio where the piano is. How long did it take to write, and what was the co-writing process like? Were there any lines or words you can remember that were especially tough to make a decision on…that you went back and forth on? Alternate lines?

adele someone like you piano chords

She told me a little bit about the guy who broke up with her, and I think maybe part of my contribution was to help keep the song really simple and direct-very personal. She told me she wanted to write a song about her heartbreak…that was how she put it. Adele came to the session with lyrics and melody for the first half of the verse at least – there was a real vibe and idea already.

Adele someone like you piano chords